Conference Engagement Strategy

Conferences provide an important opportunity to engage with multiple stakeholders as large groups or in smaller 1:1 settings.  IP leveraged its expertise to coordinate multiple types of engagements and gather key insights for its client.

The Challenge

The Challenge

The client was developing a novel targeted treatment and was looking to use the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Congress as an opportunity to engage with KOLs in a number of different methods to ensure effective communication of key data and value proposition for their product in anticipation of the anticpated launch.

The IP Solution

The IP Solution

IP collaborated with the client in order to  develop and execute multiple engagement opportunities at the conference including identifying and securing appropriate space, reviewing and providing feedback on the client’s corporate slide deck and other support materials, coordinating logistics such as catering, A/V, note-taking, and ensuring a smooth and informative experience for both client and KOLs.

The Result

The Results

With the support of IP, the client was able to hold numerous personalized touch points through 1:1 KOL Engagements and host two Investigator Meetings to announce important new product data and gain actionable insights to support their product development and medical affairs strategy.

Related Case Studies

MSL Trainings

Medical Science Liaisons are key points of contact at point of care and with payers to communicate key scientific information.  To provide its client with a strong and informed MSL team, IP developed customized training solutions to ensure a cohesive approach to stakeholder engagement. 

KOL Development

In order to develop an engagement plan for a stakeholder community which was growing and complex, IP identified and engaged multiple tiers of opinion leaders ensuring the client was able to reach a broad customer audience.